office with storage units

Office Storage – Which Systems are Right for You

For an office to function like a well-oiled machine, it needs to be tidy and organised with an efficient storage system. Office Furniture Warehouse has a wide range of cheap office storage systems to fit any office type, style, size and budget. With free shipping NZ wide.
office with storage units

Office Storage – Which Systems are Right for You

For an office to function like a well-oiled machine, it needs to be tidy and organised with an efficient storage system. Office Furniture Warehouse has a wide range of cheap office storage systems to fit any office type, style, size and budget. With free shipping NZ wide.
standing desk collection

Standing or Sitting at Your Desk – Which is Healthier?

While standing desk have been around for ages, they have only recently shot back into popularity. All of a sudden, office workers across New Zealand seem to be chucking out the chair and standing while they work. Let’s examine the pros and cons on both sides of this hotly contested office furniture debate.
3-D office chair evolution

The Evolution of the Office Chair

Charles Darwin is usually credited with the theory of evolution – the concept that all life on Earth came from the same ancestor. His theory can keep people in New Zealand debating until they’re blue in the face, but what’s undeniable is how the humble office chair has evolved over the years! Let’s take a look…
woman straining neck at desk

Staying Safe at Your Desk

Working at a desk is far from the most dangerous job you can have, but there are risks associated with sitting in front of a computer for forty hours a week. Here are some of the most common health and safety concerns for office workers and how to stay safe at your desk.
boardroom with long table and plant wall

New Year, New Office Trends

As we enter 2018, we expect to see some changes to the modern office. Increased greenery, a homely feel and a boost of colour are among this year’s...