woman working from dinner table

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in New Zealand, there has been a major shift in a plethora of industries to working from home. For millions of employees across Aotearoa, this has changed the foundations of how we do our jobs and where we do them from. Person to person (P2P) meetings are few and far between with Zoom becoming the new ‘coffee shop’ for meeting clients and commuting to the office is a mere walk down the corridor to your home office. If you haven’t yet had the time or inclination to create a home office there are 101 reasons you should. Let’s get stuck into them now.

Claim Furniture for your home office

IRD’s website reads, “if you’re a business owner and use part of your family home for work, you can make a claim for this as a business expense. In order to claim the expenses, there must be a connection between the use of your home and the business income being generated.” This means you can claim on furniture purchased for a home office; such as desks, chairs, electronics and more. You can also claim a portion of your household expenses, from telephone bills and internet costs, to other expenses. Office furniture is a current asset. Do your research and start rightfully claiming today.


Work is a space in which you offer your services and time in exchange for an income. In order to do a good job, you need an environment that lends itself to productivity. If you don’t already, creating a purpose-made environment that helps you focus on your day to day tasks is imperative for your job. Working from your bed or sofa isn’t ideal. Even from a dining table or old desk in the corner of your bedroom isn’t the best place to spend several hours every day. Choose from our carefully selected home office packages to make working from home a breeze.


Comfort is king when it comes to office furniture. Ergonomic furniture works to alleviate pain and promote good posture at work. Most office jobs require hours spent hunched over at a desk. Ergonomic desks and chairs/stools aim to realign the spine, prevent arthritis and reduce the number of work-related injuries overall. Our collection of ergonomic office furniture can help you achieve a comfortable and healthy work-from-home environment. 

Get in touch with us today for support in creating a bespoke WFH space in your residential property.